What brought popularity in viewership back is the vast availability of sports betting. After the 2020 riots, BLM, messages all over the fields and helmets, "black" national anthem, breaking out availability of sports betting has proven to be the savior of pro and college football.

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Fascinating. and surprised. I thought the trend was toward soccer because it was safer for kids. We sent you our cutest player* and our best player and you've done nothing with them.

* David Beckham who is definitely cuter than Taylor Swift. Surprised to read recently that Beckham was the bling boy of the 'class of 92'. He loved showing off what he had bought. Alex Ferguson said he ruined his career. He thought his wife controlled him. Maybe she didn't.

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Has the percentage of males participating in high school football gone down, or just the absolute number?

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I live in Kansas City, but I have not been able to figure out the hostility to Swift. Kelce is a great football player, Swift is a great entertainer. They are a good match, and I think it’s kind of cute. My daughter who is 25 is both a huge Taylor Swift fan and a huge Chiefs fan. If anything she is jealous of Swift…

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I suspect that if "Woke" wanes, football will wax.

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I really think it is segregating into the age old war of the sexes, with women predominately congregating on the liberal side and men on the conservative side.

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An interesting support to this. A Pew survey (I think) found that for teenagers as they age girls go left, guys go right.

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Roger doesn’t talk about the NFL’s adoption of racial rhetoric as a factor in its decline. As Colin Kaepernick and “Fight Racism” fade into the rear view mirror, white guys come back to enjoy the sport sans racial politics.

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I think you're on the right track. Roger needs to look at the other major sports such as MLB and NBA see if those parallel the experience of the football world. "Woke" sports was/is a turn-off for lots of fans.

It was for me.

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I think that is likely true. In general women I think tend to think about WHAT needs to improve and seek action thereon. Men tend to think WHETHER things can be improved and act thereon. Personally I think gender occurs along a continuum so there are women who think more like men and vice versa. I am a woman but I know there are few things any government can fix.

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"I am a woman but I know there are few things any government can fix."

I've been a guy all my 75 years. I've come to believe there's no end to things government can break without even trying very hard.

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I agree. But I only expressed my gender in juxtaposition to my belief that most women do believe in/see a need for fixes and therefore easily believe in a government that can and will do so. I see it as a kind of naivete. I expect my husband to fix all kinds of things around my house. But he can and does. So that is pragmatism on my part.

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