Spot the ball park: 24
7 April 2011
Can you identify the sporting arena? We take an aerial view of a topical ball park, football stadium, marathon course, golf course, Games venue, race track, iconic arena, athletic theatre (some literally theatres), pitch, park, stretch of water or wherever else sport takes place. And we ask you to identify it with the help of a cryptic clue… For older STBPs, click here
Clue: All aboard (but unlikely to stay the distance).
a) What’s the city, the venue and the occasion?
b) What's never gone over 100 (and only reached 100 five times)?
c) And what's the historical relevance of 2 and 23?
The winner receives applause at the turn and warm thoughts of the tricky 6th, 15th and 16th (winner pays all expenses).
The subscription and comments policies at sportingintelligence changed when the loons became unreasonably abusive, often to each other, not to mention defamatory. Ho hum. Any users can still comment on any story, however, or can answer this teaser, by emailing using this link, or by posting on Twitter to @sportingintel using the hashtag #STBP24. If you email, include the acronym ‘STBP’ in the subject box. Your comments will then be manually posted by an administrator. 8 April update: Anyone wanting the answers, look in the comments box. Those who don't, don't scroll down too far!

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