Spot the ball park: 20
25 July 2010
Can you identify the sporting arena? We take an aerial view of a topical ball park, football stadium, marathon course, golf course, Games venue, race track, iconic arena, athletic theatre (some literally theatres), pitch, park, stretch of water or wherever else sport takes place. And we ask you to identify it with the help of a cryptic clue… For older STBPs, click here
Clue: It could just be a hop, skip and jump to glory, or it could be all manner of other pursuits. Hola!
a) What's the city? b) And the venue? c) And the occasion? And in relation to the venue: d) what was Lluís's profession? e) what happened to him in 1940?; f) where did that happen, and why was that relevant to this location's moniker at one stage?
The winner receives a jump in the sand (launching board and beach material to be provided by winner).
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