In pictures: Blackburn crisis makes cover splash in India's No1 business paper
By Sportingintelligence 22 January 2012 The ongoing crisis surrounding the ownership of Blackburn Rovers by the Indian poultry conglomerate Venky's is the focus today (22 January) of a huge four-page feature in the Sunday edition of the Economic Times of India - the most respected title in its field. The paper's editor has deemed it so significant, it is promoted across the whole of the front page under the headline: 'Maybe Chickens Don't Play Ball'. (See front page below). The article can be read online at this link, but Sportingintelligence has also gained copied images of today's extraordinary cover, plus the four pages inside the paper dedicated to the story. (All below). The Economic Times of India is essentially the FT of India, a highly respected business title. (Basic profile here). It is significant that the serious mainstream media in India is now paying attention to what's happening at Blackburn, and also notable that even that paper could not get any comment from Venky's about what is happening at the club. .
The front page (others below)

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